Aloha ohana!!
In Eisenstein's well
quoted (but generally misunderstood) theory of relativity, he postulated among
many other things that the faster an object travels, the slower its
surroundings appear to move. So it has been over the course of this past week.
As I seem to fall head first into the final days of my mission, accelerating
faster and faster towards the 22nd, everything surrounding me has appeared to
slow down drastically and even stopped all together at times.
Monday was full of
excitement as we spent the majority of the day first playing basketball with
other missionaries and then with our YM! It's always fun to pretend like I know
what I'm doing and then watch people's faces change as they slowly figure out I
really have no clue how to play good basketball! :P haha!
Anyway, Wednesday was
fun, we went on exchanges with our zone leaders. It was extra cool because they
live in the place where I use to live when I was serving in the 4th ward so it
was kind of like being home! :) Anyway, they actually cover the 2nd ward though
so I didn't really recognize any of the people we went and saw. But I did meet
plenty of people who knew Elder Stanger (who I believe is still serving in the
Lakeshore ward back home right?) anyway, that was cool! :)
Sunday however, was
definitely the most eventful day as we had a few of our investigators show up
to sacrament!! We also had one of our returning less-actives come to church
again for the third week in a row which is extra exciting! He seems to be doing
great and we're hoping to start helping him work towards getting his
Melchizedek Priesthood as soon as possible! :)
Well, anyway, I gotta get
going pretty soon. But I love you all again SO much and I'm grateful for all
that you do! I'm excited to hear all of your adventures you had in Ireland Joe!
I also look forward to seeing and playing with all of the nieces and nephews
and of course just being able to see all of your bright eyed faces again soon
enough. But until that time comes, remember to just make the most out of
whatever life brings you this coming week! If whatever you can make out of it
appears to be less than what it was before, be grateful for that, and be happy
that there is always still something else good to come! :) I love you guys and
will keep on praying for you every day and night! Mahalo nui loa and
A hui hou aku!
-Elder Powell
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