Dear family!
WHOOHOO!!!! well... I guess it WAS at least... so maybe I should be cheering in
reverse. !!!OOHOOHW Anyway, sorry I’m being so weird but well... I'm pretty
sure I can blame most of that on the family I was raised in! :) haha! Love you
all! ANYWAY, back on topic! Conference was AMAZING! :) I especially appreciated
all the talks in Priesthood session as always as well as Elder Bednar's talk
Sunday afternoon! Anyway, speaking of this week, it's the last week of the
transfer!! which means two things! I've almost been out for three months
already!! (not including my mini-mission!!) And I will probably be getting a
new companion if not a new area very soon!! Crazy how time flies by! One
femto-second at a time. :) So yeah, that's pretty crazy.
Well I would be remiss if
I didn't include a quick message regarding conference in this e-mail as well.
While there were MANY highlights (people giving talks in their native language,
Elder Bednar addressing his entire talk exclusively to non-members, the
missionary choir, etc.) I think one of my favorite parts in any conference is
listening to how different themes sort of unintentionally form and one that
definitely formed in this last conference was that of being PREPARED!! Scout motto! BE PREPARED!! and not just
temporally (food storage, reserve funds, fast offerings, etc.) but also
spiritually! I really liked how probably the most quoted scripture at this
conference was Hel. 5:12. It's always been a good one but ESPECIALLY with the
way things are going in the world we NEED to be built on the foundation of
Christ! If you don't have a testimony of him and his Atonement, GET ONE!!! For
some reason as I reflected on all of this a song came to mind that we've sung
multiple times in ward choir and one that's always been my favorite, I testify
of Jesus Christ. Specifically one line that REALLY stuck out, "When with
all flesh mine eyes shall see, my God my unseen comforter, my witness than
shall not exceed the truth I know this day." Or something along those
lines. But I just LOVE how firm a statement that is! I know that is definitely
the kind of testimony I am striving for that I can be prepared to one day see
him again and when I do I can say that "my witness then shall not exceed
the truth I know this day!" :)
Well yeah, anyway, I've
gotta get going, but I love you all! Keep on doing what you do! Send my love to
the ward and to all the family! Have a great week and don't forget to be
awesome! :)
-Elder Powell
SotW: HEL. 5:12! duhh!
Missed some of General Conference or wondering what it's all about?
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