Aloha Ohana!!
I'm so glad to hear that
everything is going well back home and that you are all finding ways to stay
busy and also to have what sounds like a LOT of fun! :) as for us here our
"fun" is well rather limited to what we do every day but honestly it
can be EXTREMELY fun if you just make it! :) sure there are parts of it that
get a little mundane and hard to stay motivated about such as tracting and
street contacting but we have had a few things this week that I wouldn't hesitate
to say were extremely fun!! :)
First, off, W is still
progressing REALLY well! It is super fun to see someone who started out (at
least from my limited perspective) as introverted and slightly cynical to
building a level of trust and friendship where he is happy, interactive and feels
welcomed at church! He's been to church probably five or six times now and is
really progressing as far as lessons go as well. We're still just trying hard
to help him find that answer and witness from the Holy Ghost that he so
desperately is searching for. But I'm sure it will come sooner or later! That
is just how the Holy Ghost works, individually and in our own time, when we're
ready. :) Anyway, whether or not I will be here to see the fruits of that labor
I am not sure, transfers are coming up next week and I have been getting the
feeling that my time here in Mililani is quickly coming to an end, but I guess
we will see! Anyway, I still have a little while either way so I'll just wait
and let you know what's happening next week! :)
However that leads me
perfectly into my next fun thing that happened this week. With summer coming to
an end we are seeing a lot of moving in and out among the many military
families in the ward boundaries and one in specific who will be actually
getting out of the military and heading back to the mainland to settle down in
Utah (having never even been through there before let alone lived there). So
while it is definitely NOT fun to see them go, it was lots of fun to help them
(and some of the other members) with all kinds of service including setting up
and helping man a garage sale, move washers and dryers, and entirely moving
another family in the ward into their old house. All of that, plus another
service project for an older less-active couple who have been making an effort
recently to get active again, really filled up our week with lots of
opportunities for service which really was such a blessing! It always feels
good to just be able to take the white shirt and tie off and get your hands
dirty and just be able to help out others in all sorts of different ways and
actually see the fruits of your labors! :) So yeah, that has been extra fun! :)
Anyway, other fun events
of this week are small and simple and not of enough significance to make it
into this e-mail because we are short on time but needless to say the Lord
provides us all with countless tender mercies each and every day, and if we are
just humble enough to recognize them and thank him for them and find ways to
share them with others He will continue to pour them out, each and every day,
little by little, until our cup truly does run over and we don't have room
enough to receive them!
Well I hope you all have
a fantastic week! I love you all and am praying for you every day and night!
Mahalo nui loa for all you do and Aloha au ia oe!! :)
-Elder Powell :)
This is our impromptu plan of salvation diagram draw and
taught in under 10 minutes because we were short on time and late for another
appointment! (and I know what you're thinking... yes... the spirit world is
supposed to look like a Pokeball :) haha)
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